- Details
- Published: Wednesday, 17 February 2016 23:20
Tax Rates in the Town of Berry
Property tax:
33 mills 6.5 mills goes to the state
11.5 mills goes to the county
10 mills goes to the Board of Education for schools
5 mills goes the Town of Berry
A mill is defined as a tax applied to real property whereby each mill represents $1 of tax assessment per $1,000 of the property’s assessed value.
Local Gas Tax:
$.01 per gallon on gasoline and diesel delivered within the town limits
Tobacco Tax:
$.08 per pack on cigarette and $.08 per pack other tobacco products
excluding cigars (Link to Tobacco Tax Form)
Sales Tax $.09:
Town - $.03, County- $.02, State- $.04
Revenue Discovery Systems collects sales tax for the town and county. (Link to RDS)
Business License Tax:
See License Ordinance